3 November 1975: Counter-coup of Brigadier Khaled Musharraf lasts 4 days
President Moshtaque's regime could not survive long.
On the same day the four senior Awami League leaders were killed in jail, a counter coup was headed by Chief of General Staff (CGS) Brigadier Khaled Mosharraf and the 46th Brigade (also known as Dhaka Brigade) under Colonel Shafat Jamil, a fellow Sector Commander during 1971 Liberation War. They were aided by Colonel Najmul Huda and Colonel Abu Taher Mohammad (A. T. M.) Haider, two decorated officers and brave freedom fighters. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=WhTuhiIfouwC&pg=PA318&lpg=PA318 &ots=OhskZQpZUw&sig=ACfU3U2v_c4UPLWZKmEZxjN78olfd2imnw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZtrPNtefmAhWClFwKHfz8CGMQ6AEwBHoECAkQAQ Other officers who were actively involved in the 3 November coup were Lt. Col. Jafar Imam, Majors Hafiz, Iqbal, and Rahman, Squad Leaders Liaqat and B. Alam, Flight Lieutenants Wali, Mijan, Jamal, Salahuddin, and Iqbal Rashid, and Flag Officer Qayuun.
Unknown to them, few hours earlier the char netas were murdered earlier in Dhaka Central Jail.
3 November 1975: Killer majors and officers flee the country
Brigadier Khaled and his colleague's coup forced the young officers who murdered Sheikh Mujib and the char netas to flee the country.
Ever since the August 15 coup which killed Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and others, senior officers had been locked in conflict with younger majors and colonels who staged the coup. The younger men, increasingly fearful for their lives, were living with President Moshtaque Ahmed in Bangabhaban (Presidential Palace).
The army officers, President Moshtaque's principal protectors and 'surjo shontan', fled to various countries. Lieutenant Colonel Syed Farook Rahman fled to Thailand seeking asylum.
In Bangkok, Lieut. Col. Farooq Rehman, who was a key figure in the overthrow of Sheik Mujib, said he and his colleagues had left Dacca in an airplane provided by President Moshtaque Ahmed.
New York Times (1975)
According to Colonel Shafat Jamil's "Ekatturer Muktijuddho, Roktakto Modhoy August O Shorojontromoy November", their coup of 3 November 1975 was carried out with the intentions of punishing the killers of Sheikh Mujib and his family. President Moshtaque had promulgated the Indemnity Act on 26 September 1975 which essentially exempted Sheikh Mujib's killers from prosecution. That move enraged Brigadier Khaled and others and provoked their coup. However, neither Colonel Shafat nor Khaled Mosharraf knew of Moshtaque's and the gang's plan of the jail killing of the four leaders. In fact, they heard the news 30 hours after the incident took place. By then the killers were flown safely outside the country with the help of the US embassy https://www.thedailystar.net/magazine/2010/11/02/s_feature.htm.
Bangladesh with its population of 75 million people had grown accustomed to political violence from 1971 onwards. Several thousand political murders are believed to have been committed in the four years since the country won independence from Pakistan.
But there were indications that the jail killings had aroused intense resentment among the segment of the population that still regards Sheikh Mujib fondly - as the Father of the Country.
New York Times (6 November 1975)
3 November 1975: COAS Ziaur Rahman house arrested and replaced by Brigadier Khaled
Early on 3 November 1975 Brigadier Khaled forced the army chief General Ziaur Rahman - considered his rival for the post of Chief of Army Staff (COAS) - to resign and put him under house arrest. Two days later, he would get President Moshtaque to appoint him as the new COAS, before forcing Moshtaque to resign as president. Brigadier Khaled now emerged as the strongman. At least for the time being.